Publication List



van de Groep, Ilse H.; Bos, Marieke G. N.; Popma, Arne; Crone, Eveline A.; Jansen, Lucres M.

A neurocognitive model of early onset persistent and desistant antisocial behavior in early adulthood Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 17, no. 1100277, 2023.

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van de Groep, Ilse H.; Bos, Marieke G. N.; Jansen, Lucres M.; Popma, Arne; Crone, Eveline A.

Through the looking glass: the neural basis of self-concept in young adults with antisocial trajectories Journal Article

In: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. nsad016, 2023.

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Crone, Eveline A.; Green, Kayla; van de Groep, Ilse H.; van der Cruijsen, Renske

A neurocognitive model of self-concept development in adolescence Journal Article

In: Annual Review in Developmental Psychology, 2022.

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Green, Kayla; van de Groep, Ilse H.; te Brinke, Lysanne W.; van der Cruijsen, Renske; van Rossenberg, Fabienne; el Marroun, Hannan

A perspective on enhancing representative samples in developmental human neuroscience: Connecting science to society Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2022.

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Achterberg, Michelle; Becht, Andrik; van der Cruijsen, Renske; van de Groep, Ilse H.; Spaans, Jochem; Klapwijk, Eduard; Crone, Eveline A.

Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence Journal Article

In: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 54, 2022.

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van de Groep, Ilse H.; Bos, Marieke G. N.; Jansen, Lucres M.; Kocevka, Desana; Bexkens, Anika; Cohn, Moran; van Domburgh, Lieke; Popma, Arne; Crone, Eveline A.

Resisting aggression in social contexts: the influence of life-course persistent antisocial behavior on behavioral and neural responses to social feedback Journal Article

In: Neuroimage: Clinical, vol. 34, 2022.

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van de Groep, Ilse H.; Bos, Marieke G. N.; Jansen, Lucres M.; Achterberg, Michelle; Popma, Arne; Crone, Eveline A.

Overlapping and distinct neural correlates of self-evaluations and self-regulation from the perspective of self and others Journal Article

In: Neuropsychologia, vol. 161, no. 108000, 2021.

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Westhoff, Bianca; Koele, Iris; van de Groep, Ilse H.

Social Learning and the Brain: How Do We Learn From and About Other People? Journal Article

In: Frontiers for Young Minds, 2020.

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van den Hout, Marcel; van Dis, Eva A. M.; van Woudenberg, Clair; van de Groep, Ilse H.

OCD-like checking in the lab: A meta-analysis and improvement of an experimental paradigm Journal Article

In: Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, vol. 20, pp. 39-49, 2019.

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van de Groep, Ilse H.; de Haas, Lucas M.; Schutte, Iris; Bijleveld, Erik

Spontaneous eye blink rate (EBR) predicts poor performance in high-stakes situations Journal Article

In: International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 119, pp. 50-57, 2017.

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