Hi, I'm Ilse van de Groep. Postdoc in Psychology & Neuroscience.
I want to understand why people behave the way they do – especially if they display behavior that is in disregard of others. Where does this antisocial behavior come from, and how does it develop over time? To answer these questions, I conduct research that is characterized by multiple levels of explanation (e.g. behavioral, neural) and the use of several complementary techniques (MRI, computer tasks, questionnaires). Throughout my current and past research experiences, I have uncovered that I am particularly passionate about finding mechanistic explanations for complex social behavior. I also greatly enjoy the most creative aspects of doing research (e.g. designing studies, writing code, scientific writing). Moreover, I like to use my creative skills to share the newly acquired knowledge with a wider audience (e.g. blogging, workshops) or to create platforms and supporting media to enable this (e.g. building websites, graphic design, photography).
What I Do
Scientific Research
I have a passion for acquiring and advancing knowlegde about complex (anti-)social behavior, the brain, and mental health issues. I am particularly interested in maladaptive social behavior (e.g. aggression), and the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that give rise to such behavior.
Visualisation & Design
One of my favorite aspects of data analysis and communication my scientific findings is (data-) visualization. I enjoy creating beautiful graphs and images that convey complex information in a fast and simple way.
Science communication
While I greatly enjoy doing research, I am also very passionate about communicating findings to a broader audience. I use different types of media, characterized by a clear and appealing design, to help others understand and benefit from scientific knowlegde.
Project Management and organization
I can effectively coordinate (research-) projects from start to finish, combining organizational, problem-solving, and technical skills. I work in a structured manner, with attention to details. I greatly value listening to and observing others, and creating an environment of trust and support.
Publications & Outreach

A neurocognitive model of early onset persistent and desistant antisocial behavior in early adulthood
1. Publications & Preprints
A Neurocognitive Model of Self-Concept Development in Adolescence
1. Publications & Preprints
Through the looking glass: the neural basis of self-concept in young adults with antisocial trajectories
1. Publications & Preprints
A perspective on enhancing representative samples in developmental human neuroscience: Connecting science to society
1. Publications & Preprints
E-magazine: Opveren na de Coronacrisis
2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design
Interview – ‘Een familiestamboom leert me over het alledaagse leven van vroeger en nu’
2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances
Interview – Criminele jongeren verwerken feedback anders
2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances
Interview – Zo ontwikkelt je brein als je als kind iets hebt gejat of in brand hebt gestoken
2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances
Bijdrage aan “Druk – Alles wat je moet weten als je hoofd overloopt”
2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances
Onderwijs en Veiligheid voor Jongeren: een samenwerking tussen wetenschap en maatschappij
2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design
Resisting aggression in social contexts: The influence of life-course persistent antisocial behavior on behavioral and neural responses to social feedback
1. Publications & Preprints
Overlapping and distinct neural correlates of self-evaluations and self-regulation from the perspective of self and others
1. Publications & Preprints
Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence
1. Publications & Preprints
Social Learning and the Brain: How Do We Learn From and About Other People?
1. Publications & Preprints, 2. Science Communication
Interview: Hoe een masterprogramma en onderzoeksinstituten racisme en witte superioriteit tegengaan
4. Media Appeareances
Radio Interview – The influence of the coronacrisis on Youth Criminality (Dutch)
4. Media Appeareances
Jongerenmanifest NWO – Graphic Design
2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design
E-Magazine “Het Jongerenbrein in de Coronacrisis” – Graphic Design
2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design
RESIST Project Vlog
2. Science Communication
OCD-like checking in the lab: A meta-analysis and improvement of an experimental paradigm
1. Publications & Preprints
Spontaneous eye blink rate (EBR) predicts poor performance in high-stakes situations
1. Publications & Preprints