All 1. Publications & Preprints 2. Science Communication 3. Graphic Design 4. Media Appeareances A neurocognitive model of early onset persistent and desistant antisocial behavior in early adulthood 1. Publications & Preprints A Neurocognitive Model of Self-Concept Development in Adolescence 1. Publications & Preprints Through the looking glass: the neural basis of self-concept in young adults with antisocial trajectories 1. Publications & Preprints A perspective on enhancing representative samples in developmental human neuroscience: Connecting science to society 1. Publications & Preprints E-magazine: Opveren na de Coronacrisis 2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design Interview – ‘Een familiestamboom leert me over het alledaagse leven van vroeger en nu’ 2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances Interview – Criminele jongeren verwerken feedback anders 2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances Interview – Zo ontwikkelt je brein als je als kind iets hebt gejat of in brand hebt gestoken 2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances Bijdrage aan “Druk – Alles wat je moet weten als je hoofd overloopt” 2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances Onderwijs en Veiligheid voor Jongeren: een samenwerking tussen wetenschap en maatschappij 2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design Resisting aggression in social contexts: The influence of life-course persistent antisocial behavior on behavioral and neural responses to social feedback 1. Publications & Preprints Overlapping and distinct neural correlates of self-evaluations and self-regulation from the perspective of self and others 1. Publications & Preprints Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence 1. Publications & Preprints Social Learning and the Brain: How Do We Learn From and About Other People? 1. Publications & Preprints, 2. Science Communication Interview: Hoe een masterprogramma en onderzoeksinstituten racisme en witte superioriteit tegengaan 4. Media Appeareances Radio Interview – The influence of the coronacrisis on Youth Criminality (Dutch) 4. Media Appeareances Jongerenmanifest NWO – Graphic Design 2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design E-Magazine “Het Jongerenbrein in de Coronacrisis” – Graphic Design 2. Science Communication, 3. Graphic Design RESIST Project Vlog 2. Science Communication OCD-like checking in the lab: A meta-analysis and improvement of an experimental paradigm 1. Publications & Preprints Spontaneous eye blink rate (EBR) predicts poor performance in high-stakes situations 1. Publications & Preprints Project Videos: The RESIST Project 2. Science Communication, 4. Media Appeareances